Weeks 6 & 7 artistic elements

These past two weeks have been a big push to get products back in stock as well as to add artistic elements to my packaging. My bathtub teas in particular have evolved both in ingredients and appearance. Yeah for color!! The addition of 'black salts' to my detox tea and milk & oats to my... Continue Reading →

Weeks 4 & 5 ~ herbal remedies, a recipe, & flip flops in February

  Once again I've fallen behind so I'm making a double week post. I hope you don't mind - its a long one. I've also decided to rearranged my days a bit for better writing/imagery flow. To make up for all my calendar shenanigans I'm gifting you with a secret recipe.....but shhh! It's a secret.... Continue Reading →

39th Birthday

Why does our culture teach us to fear aging? To dread, rather than to embrace the maturity & grace that comes with age? We are taught to idolize youth - a fleeting time - and to fight the signs of "getting old". I'm in no way 'old', but i have reached the stage in life... Continue Reading →

Week 3 – Rituals in color

Okay, I could probably work on my post titles, but right now my creative energy is being focused elsewhere, and there's only so much to go around, ya know. So week 3 it is.   Days 15 & 16 - this week began with a waning moon - a time to unwind, relax, and reflect. ... Continue Reading →

Week 2 in photos

This weeks adventures in pictures: Days 7 & 8 - Getting back to nature. Two of my resolutions were spend more time outdoors & to explore new places. So far i'm making good on both.  I spent Saturday with my husband & son, visiting our favorite spot along the Deschutes river, harvesting juniper & sage,... Continue Reading →

Discovering Herbalism

Herbalism is not something I grew up with. When it came time to make me feel better, my mother's cure-all's came mostly from the grocery store; Bactine for wounds, Gatorade & Campbell's soup for stomach flu, hot honey with lemon, peppermint candies, or salt water gargles for sore throats. Herbs, even in the culinary sense, were... Continue Reading →

Magical Soaking Salts

Today is my day off, which means I get to spend my time blending & creating.  Yeah!! & with fall in the air I figure its the perfect time to try out some seasonally specific bath salt recipes that have been dancing around in my head (time to clear out some space in there). Bath... Continue Reading →

Fire Cider!

Today I made my first fire cider & i'm so excited about it!! I know, its silly to dance around my kitchen excited about infusing beets & onions in vinegar...but hey, its the little things that make me happy. 🙂 What is fire cider you ask? Well, let me fill you in..... As most of... Continue Reading →

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