Resolutions of Art & Adventures

I ended off 2017 with a multi-part challenge for myself – see more, do more, learn more, share more.
This year I plan to get out and explore Central Oregon. We’ve lived in these parts for nearly 2 years now so there’s no excuse for not checking it all out. I’m keeping a list of places to see and experience….feel free to give suggestions! 🙂

IMG_20171231_105332_194Along with my explorations, I’ve challenged myself to finish my online herbology courses (um…you paid for those chica!) and to learn about the surrounding desert flora. Anybody want to go on an herb walk?!?  Currently I wildcraft yarrow & juniper, but the high desert holds a vast amount of herbal treasures. Expect to see additional locally foraged botanicals in my ingredients list by the end of the year.


And lastly, I’ve challenged myself to get back into photographer mode and document all this seeing, doing, & learning.  Lots of images and information about herbalism, Central Oregon, and my life and adventures as a kitchen witch. Check back weekly and/or following me on Instagram. Cheers!

Day 2 – One of my favorite ways to utilize a plants magic is by infusing it in hot water. Yummm….tea!!
IMO tea can cure almost anything…. including snarkniness. 😉
My daughter & I celebrated the first day of the year with a girls trip to Bend for tea and urban art exploration.

Day 3 – The juniper berry crop is AMAZING this year! I harvest these beauties last night & will continue to do so over the next month.
I’ll infuse these for my High Desert Survival Salve, or dry them for my detox tub teas & clay mask.
Juniper berries are anti-septic, anti-microbial, & detoxifying. Juniper has also been used for centuries to ward off evil & illness. (Burning the greens& berries).

Day 4 -Dreaming of summer gardens. ✨🌼
It’s almost time to prep my little calendula field for spring. These beauties kept blooming into mid-November & I kept harvesting. Must be magic in those flowers!
I use calendula petals in most of my salves due to their skin soothing properties. Makes great tea too.

Day 5 – Started these oil infusions just before the full moon. Rosehips in jojoba, green tea in grapeseed oil, and chamomile, calendula, & helichrysum in apricot kernel oil.
Face serums will be ready just after the blue moon at the end of this month imparts a bit of it’s magic on them. 😉✨🌛✨🌼🌿  Moon Magic!!!

Day 6 – Rainy day out today & i’m WAY behind on doing an end of season inventory, so that’s today gig. Not much left in stock so this next month is gonna be busy busy busy!

Day 7 – Ended the week off with a trip to one of my favorite spots along the River. Tea over an open fire.🔥
Nature is the best medicine.

happy trails!

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